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Hire Full Stack Developer to work on your unique project


Looking to hire full stack developer to work on your unique project?

There are countless advantages of hiring a full stack developer to oversee your project from ideation to launch and beyond.

Full Stack Developer

A full stack developer is nothing but a web developer or the engineer who works with the both front end and back end of a website/application — Which means they can handle the projects that involve databases, building user-facing websites, or they can work with clients during the planning phase of projects.

Full stack web developers:

  • They Are familiar with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and one or more back end languages.
  • Mostly full stack developers are specialized in the particular back end programming language, for EX, Ruby, PHP or Python, although some, if they have been working as a developer for a long time, work with more than one.
  • Some full stack developers nowadays also learn either project management, web design, visual design, or user experience skills — to complete their “stack” if you will

Why you should Hire Infomaze’s Full Stack Developers.

Hire a dedicated full stack development team from Infomaze — who you’ll have complete control over, while we manage other things such as office space, payroll, taxes, etc. At Infomaze, we follow an agile development methodology to speed up the software development process. Our full stack developers have the knowledge and proficiency of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, databases, and converting Photoshop designs to frontend code. From business analysis, project management, UI/UX design, software development, software maintenance, to Quality Assurance, our dedicated developers can do it all.

Long gone are the days when web developers were familiar with only one language. Enhance the features and functionalities of your website with our complete full stack development services, where one developer will oversee your entire project. We have proven expertise across all industry verticals, technologies, and domains in offering end-to-end software development, desktop applications, custom software solutions, embedded windows services, web application, and portals, and dynamic mobile Apps on Android, iOS and Windows.

Our full stack developers are masters in all the frontend and backend technologies along with the knowledge of design, database operations, debugging, and testing. As our full stack developers know both coding and design, they will periodically assess the site and avoid any inconsistencies by going to the root of the error. After the application is developed, we run multiple tests on various scenarios to identify errors and redundancies in the early stages of the development cycle to deliver efficient and error-free solutions.

When you share your project requirements with our experts, we send the CVs of our full stack developers whose skill set matches your project needs. As soon as you shortlist the CVs of developers you want to work with, you can interview them via Skype. If our developers qualify your requirements, you can hire them for your project, and they will work as your extended team.

Full stack development components

Frontend development

  • Custom development and styling
  • Rich user interface
  • Dynamic web apps
  • Cross-platform app development
  • Graphic designing
  • Quality Assurance and testing

If you have a specific technology in mind, then just name it, and our skilled developers will build it for you. Our full stack developers carry wide-ranging expertise on all the frontend technologies from HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MEAN stack, Bootstrap, to AngularJS. We have a clear commitment to code quality and follow object-oriented CSS principles to structure CSS in large scale projects. Through our frontend development services, we create a lasting impression with our high-quality design and development.

Backend development

  • Custom backend design
  • MVC integration
  • API design and development
  • A molecular approach to design dynamic apps
  • RESTful services
  • Secure backend architecture development

Our client-centric approach has led us to build highly customizable and flawless backend interfaces for a variety of business verticals and domains using PHP, Python, JavaScript, Node.JS, etc. Our innovative team of backend developers are always keen on learning new things and will hence build a secure backend that will meet the standards of your project. We make use of various cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to provide perfect backend support for your website or mobile app.

Database development

  • Third-party database integration
  • Database integration
  • Server and hosting assistance
  • API integration
  • Custom database development
  • Database migration
  • Database testing

To design apps and websites that can handle massive amounts of data, we incorporate advanced database technologies in our development process for secure, robust, and high-performing Databases. Given our vast experience, we can process data integration tasks 10x faster within the shortest time frame. We follow the right database integration approach to manage all aspects of big data and transform environments into API powered BI platforms. We extract, process, manage, and store data within databases using tools such as Apache Hadoop, MySQL, Oracle, etc.

Why choose Infomaze for Full stack development?

At Infomaze, we believe that each business requires a unique software, and a single approach cannot work for every use case. Hence, we offer a new approach to web and mobile app development and follow industry best practices to deliver timely, accurate, and top-quality solutions. As an award-winning full stack development company, we have so far worked on projects with high-level complexities for SMEs and large enterprises, which makes us a perfect fit for your business.

Our work is something clients admire time and again; and opting for an experienced company is the best approach as our full stack development services are carried out professionally and on time. No matter what your requirements are, our developers at Infomaze can customize them to fit your business best.

Since 2002, Infomaze has been empowering organizations to optimize their business processes by creating diverse web and mobile apps to meet every business’s unique software needs. Being an innovation-centric company with a mission to be a global leader in delivering optimal solutions at affordable rates, our dedicated full stack developers have built hundreds of solutions in 20+ countries. Here are some reasons why you should choose Infomaze as your full stack development partner.

This article HIRE FULL STACK DEVELOPER originally appeared in Infomaze


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