The Summary:
The client is a healthcare, cosmetic surgery, and consultations provider for their patients.
With the advent of businesses moving online all across the globe and the consecutive years of the pandemic, the healthcare sector too chose to move things online.
Our client wanted to follow suit and bring in telephony communications in their practice and came to us for our Zoho consultation services.

The Client: Planning to Incorporate Telemedicine
The client used Zoho CRM to manage their clientele and planned to bring telephony into practice to cope with the difficult pandemic times.
The customer came to us looking for a solution that would work seamlessly with the Zoho system that they were using.
And, we helped automate cosmetic surgery practitioners’ day-to-day online consultations using telephony integration with Zoho CRM.
The Requirements: Automated Telemedicine Practice
- The client wanted a Zoho-VOIP integration to help them attend to their patients with easy access to the patient records, chats and prior communications.
- To prevent multiple data entries, the client wanted a telephony integration with Zoho CRM that allowed calls to be placed/received from within the CRM with pop-ups of the patient records showing upon arrival of a call.
- Maintain a clear and crisp log of calls with easy tracking in Zoho CRM, which would help the practitioners maintain a detailed patient history.
- Overall the client wanted a telephony integration with Zoho CRM to prevent unwanted app switching and provide seamless video consultations for their patients.
The Technology: RingCentral Telephony
As Zoho authorized partners, we provided our consultation services and, aligning with the client’s requirements; we chose RingCentral telephony for a telephony integration with Zoho CRM.
RingCentral is a could-based system that provides businesses with seamless voice, SMS, video-enabled communications and more.
The Solution: A RingCentral Zoho Integration

- With expert Zoho developers who know what they are doing when providing Zoho CRM integration services, we quickly conducted the RingCentral integration with Zoho CRM.
- The Zoho-VOIP integration was easily accomplished with the RingCentral account setup and successfully logging into the system.
- As the client wanted to call from within the Zoho CRM, we configured the browser calling settings by first enabling the RingCentral integration using the client’s Zoho account.
- With the help of WebRTC plugins, we achieved real-time browser calling for video calls from within the Zoho CRM. We then configured the browser calling settings or preferences to show pop-ups for incoming calls and throughout the ongoing calls.
- With real-time sync due to the RingCentral Zoho integration, the call logs and the recordings (when required) would automatically get logged.
The Result: A Successful Implementation of RingCentral Zoho Integration
- With the successful RingCentral Zoho integration, the client could save time while providing the cosmetic surgery consultation.
- The client did not have to switch between apps to place a call or during an ongoing call to collect/log information. Although it seems like a small change, the overall time would have amounted to a more significant number when making multiple calls in a day. And, hence saving that time allowed the client to attend to more patients productively.
- The RingCentral telephony integration with Zoho enabled the screen pop-ups for incoming or outgoing calls, which aided the client in quickly brushing up the patient history or jotting down last-minute notes after or during the call and never having to miss any important data.
- Viewing & tracking call logs and recordings became more accessible through Zoho and, therefore, serving their patients more easily manageable.
- With real-time video calling, the client could connect with their patients better and have personalized experiences to provide proper cosmetic surgery consultation.
- The video calling option eliminated wait time, any timezone restriction and increased the patients’ trust in their doctors due to the detailed consultation. As a result, the client saw an increased in-flow of online consultations and made their telemedicine transition a huge success.
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