Infomaze is a Software Development Company and an IT Consultant based in India and has been providing web and mobile application developments since 2002, specializes in business solutions across various platforms

Infomaze was started with the motto “Quality Solutions at Affordable Prices” and thus began its operation. As an ITSM (IT Services Management) provider, Infomaze follows strict rules to deliver to you the optimal services based on your unique requirement. Throughout the duration of providing you with services, we will constantly be in touch with you so that you are completely satisfied with our work.
What we are into:
Infomaze is also an IT Consultant. If you need a solution of any sort for your business — but are not aware of how to go about it or even about what kind of services to opt for — is when you need a reliable IT consultant. Have a detailed future plan for your business with the help of a reliable IT consultancy firm like Infomaze.
Infomaze is an Offshore Development Center (ODC) and has been instrumental in providing Web and Mobile Development services to clients across the globe including the US, South Africa, Europe and Australia-Pacific Region.
With over 16 years of experience, Infomaze has structured itself as a software development company well enough to take up the challenges in regard to technology changes and is aptly positioned to provide ongoing development and support services. We do not just suggest you with a typical solution but understand your requirement deeply before suggesting anything — or if you even need a solution or IT Services!
Get in touch to know more about us or for any questions.
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